Project B13 within Collaborative Research Centre 652
Preparation, characterisation and application of quantum correlations in the radiation field
In this project we will extend the method of quantum state tomography to the experimental quantification of the non-classicality of a light field. Additionally, we will implement modifications to the standard homodyne detection scheme towards an unbalanced scheme with photon number resolution, and a balanced scheme with a weak local oscillator and general correlations. We will use phase-randomised squeezed states with well-known non-classical properties as a reference. Based on that, we will prepare a two-mode phase-randomised squeezed state in order to demonstrate experimentally that non-classical correlations can exist without entanglement or quantum discord.
- B. Kühn, W. Vogel, M. Mraz, S. Köhnke, B. Hage, "Anomalous Quantum Correlations of Squeezed Light", Phys. Rev. Lett. 118 153601 (2017), DOI link.
- E. Agudelo, J. Sperling, W. Vogel, S. Köhnke, M. Mraz, B. Hage, "Continuous sampling of the squeezed-state nonclassicality", Phys. Rev. A. 92 33837 (2015), DOI link.
- S. Ryl, J. Sperling, E. Agudelo, M. Mraz, S. Köhnke, B. Hage, W. Vogel, "Unified nonclassicality criteria", Phys. Rev. A. 92 11801 (2015), DOI link.
- M. Mraz, J. Sperling, W. Vogel, B. Hage, "Witnessing the degree of nonclassicality of light", Phys. Rev. A. 90 33812 (2014), DOI link.